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Japan to Support Use of NDT Technology for Recovery from Earthquakes, Floods in Asia and the Pacific

Japan to Support Use of NDT Technology for Recovery from Earthquakes, Floods in Asia and the Pacific


Japan is contributing US$ 725,200 towards a new IAEA initiative to use nuclear technology for the verification of the integrity of buildings following earthquakes and other natural disasters. The donation, made earlier this month, is channelled through the IAEA Peaceful Uses Initiative.


Following an earthquake or flood, critical civil structures, even when they remain standing, may have developed hidden flaws, which could pose further risks if not detected early and remediated quickly. Industrial testing using nuclear technology involves the use of ionizing radiation – along with other methods – to test the quality of materials, without causing any damage to them or leaving any radioactive residue.


Such non-destructive testing (NDT) was successfully used in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake in Nepal in April 2015 to test the integrity of critical buildings such as hospitals, schools and historical attractions.


“NDT technology allows countries to quickly and efficiently test structures using simple and easily portable equipment,” said Joao Osso Junior, Head of the Radioisotope Products and Radiation Technology Section at the IAEA. “It can help countries that are particularly prone to natural disasters.”


To read more please visit https://www.iaea.org/newscenter/news/japan-to-support-use-of-ndt-technology-for-recovery-from-earthquakes-floods-in-asia-and-the-pacific

Source: International Atomic Energy Agency