
By-Laws and Rules for the Operation of The World Council on Isotopes
Rev. 0 (30/09/2008)
Rev. 1 (17/06/2009)
Rev. 2 (24/08/2014)
Rev. 3 (27/09/2016)
Rev. 4 (12/09/2017)
Rev. 5 (22/12/2017)
Rev. 6 (20/12/2018)
Rev. 7 (12/06/2019)
Rev. 8 (12/20/2021)
Rev.9 (23/07/2023)
Rev.10 (01/11/2024)

Article B1 – NAME

The name of this international association is the World Council on Isotopes, hereinafter designated as the Council, or its abbreviated form as the WCI.


The objectives of the Council are:

  1. (a) To promote cooperation regarding the sharing of safe and environmentally sound isotope technologies for uses that serve the needs of global wellbeing.
  2. (b) To identify isotope-related topics of mutual interest that warrant consideration by the Council. Any Topics pursued reflect the particular interests and concerns of the Council as it is and intends to remain an international body, with emphasis on its pursuit of international cooperation.
  3. (c) To develop appropriate policies and procedures to conduct specific conferences, symposia, and working groups of the WCI.
  4. (d) To develop appropriate policies and procedures for special working groups or committees, for the conduct of workshops, and for the preparation of WCI publications. For the designated workshops, the Council will identify topics and related working groups. In cases where working groups require coordination, the Council will appoint a Workshop Coordinating Committee.



The Council shall support the organization of periodic International Conferences on Isotopes to advance the objectives of the Council.


The Council may organize scientific meetings, seminars, symposia or training courses in conjunction with meetings or conferences in conjunction with other organizations, such as the International Atomic Energy Agency.


The Council may publish and distribute newsletters and other official publications, including brochures, and proceedings and/or minutes of meetings.


The Council shall maintain permanent, cumulative records of conferences, seminars, training programs, correspondence, Committee reports, and other materials generated by or related to its activities with regards to its conferences, seminars, and training. The materials may be distributed to the members via WCI official publications or/and via its website, with due consideration of copyright limitations.


The Council shall help share information on the peaceful uses of isotope technologies and promote technology transfers for and to businesses among WCI members through the WCI newsletter and homepage.


The Council shall deal with the duties arising from cooperation with other organizations.

Article B4 – MEMBERS

B4.1 - Membership Class

There shall be five classes of membership as follows:

  1. (a) Professional Organization Membership --This class consists of three subgroups:
    • Technical and professional societies and associations,
    • Not-for-profit trade organizations and associations, and
    • Colleges, universities and other not-for-profit educational and research institutions.
  2. (b) Commercial Organization Membership --This class consists of commercial, for-profit organizations. Each member organization shall designate an official representative. The official designated representative may, in turn, designate one alternate designated representative to act in lieu of the designated representative.
  3. (c) Individual Membership - This class consists of professional experts who have sponsored and/or participated actively in the WCI activities or who are expected to become actively involved in future WCI activities.
  4. (d) Student Membership – This class consists of students on a degree program (Bachelor, Master, Professional Engineering, or Doctoral degree programs) or an equivalent course of study, who have been recommended by university advisors or department supervisors of the affiliated institutions.
  5. (e) Honorary Membership – a former individual member who has made a significant contribution to the development of WCI, but is no longer working in the field of isotopes.

All new members must be approved by the Executive Committee. Any new membership shall be granted upon a majority vote of the Committee. The Executive Committee may delegate the approval to the Secretariat-General for prompt proceeding of new membership.

B4.2 -Rights and Privileges of Members

Members shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of Council membership, unless specified otherwise in the Bylaws and Rules. All types of membership (except for student membership) shall be permanent unless terminated by voluntary withdrawal. Student membership continues until graduation or cessation of studies. Student members may convert to individual membership upon the successful completion of their studies.

B4.3 - Membership Status

A member in good standing is defined as being one who has paid the organization’s assessed fees.

B4.4 - Voting Member

A voting member of the Council is defined as a member who is a member organization in good standing.


B5.1 - Executive Committee

  1. (a) The Council shall have an Executive Committee composed of Professional Organization representatives (Membership category (a) in the Article B4.1) elected at a General Meeting and the chairpersons of Standing and Special Committees of the Council. The President and the Vice President (President-Elect) and the Immediate Past President shall be ex-officio members of the Executive Committee. The maximum number of Executive Committee Members shall be 15 and each Member shall have one (1) vote.
  2. (b) The Special Committees consist of Industrial Applications, Environmental Applications, Medical Applications, and Information Exchange and Cooperation. The Standing Committees consist of Education and Training, Publication, ICI Coordination, and Long-Term Funding.
  3. (c) The Council shall elect a Vice President (President-Elect) and such other officers, as the Council shall decide. The Executive Committee shall have responsibility for the approval of new members, and for all financial matters of the Council. The Council as a whole, has authority over all the other activities of the Council.
  4. (d) The term of the President shall nominall be 2 to 3 years, starting on the last day of periodic International Conferences on Isotopes that is normally held every two to three years. The outgoing President’s term will end and the incoming Presidents term will begin at the conclusion of the Conference. The President shall not serve two consecutive terms.

B5.2 – President’s Sub-Committee

  1. (a) The Council shall have a President’s Sub-Committee composed of the President, a Vice President (President-Elect), and the Immediate Past President. The new Vice President (President-Elect) can be elected by the Council as soon as possible after the start of the incoming President’s term.
  2. (b) The President’s Sub-Committee shall have the responsibility of supporting the President in developing the WCI's operations and management, to formulate new WCI programs, and help provide consensus for efficient and effective decision-making.

B5.3 - Working Groups

Working Groups will be appointed from time to time by the President. The topics and related scope of activities to be considered by working groups should be directed primarily to technical issues and should address only technical information and factors that have a bearing on the potential areas of cooperation of the members.

Article B6 - OFFICERS

B6.1 Elected Officers

The affairs of the Council shall be administered, by the officers, under these bylaws.
The elected officers of the Council shall be a President and a Vice-President (President-Elect). The Vice-President (President-Elect) shall be elected from among the members by a secret mail ballot cast. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected.

B6.2 - Terms of Office

The President and Vice-President (President-Elect) shall hold office for a term of 2 to 3 years, or until a successor has been installed. Each year of a term of office shall begin at the conclusion of the ICI. The officers shall not serve two consecutive terms. It is the intent of the Council that a ceremony should be held, marking the installation of the new officers at the International Conference on Isotopes (ICI).

B6.3 - Duties of the President

  1. (a) The President shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Council and shall be the regular presiding officer at Council meetings. In the event of the President being indisposed or otherwise unable to carry their duties, they shall be performed by the Vice-President (President-Elect). With regard to the absence of the Vice-President (President-Elect), any member of the Council may be designated by the President.
  2. (b) The President shall be an ex officio member of each Committee.
  3. (c) The President shall have the right to appoint chairpersons of Standing and Special Committees of the Council, with the advice and/or consent of members. The President also establishes Standing and Special Committees unless otherwise instructed in these bylaws or prescribed by the Council.
  4. (d) The President may appoint International Coordinators to strengthen existing relations and develop new relations with other institutions/organizations.
  5. (e) The President, subject to authorization of the Council members, may appoint additional members to any Committees to serve for terms consistent with those of other members appointed to the same Committees.
  6. (f) The President shall deliver an address at a meeting of the Council and shall submit an annual report on the condition of the Council to the Council.

B6.4 - Duties of International Coordinators

  1. (a) The President may appoint International Coordinators to strengthen existing relations and develop new relations with other institutes/organizations.
  2. (b) International Coordinators shall perform tasks in support of the Secretariat, providing advisory services to the President of the Council, improving and enhancing the activities of the Council, and expand membership by functioning as liaison between the Council and other national/ international organizations.
  3. (c) International Coordinators will serve for the same term as Standing and Special Committees of the Council.

B6.5 - Ineligibility for Re-election

The President shall not be eligible for election to serve consecutive terms.

B6.6 - Vacancies

All vacancies among the elected officers shall be filled by election by the Council for the unexpired term, except that the Vice-President shall fill a vacancy in the office of the President. An election, by the members of the Council may be called at the discretion of the Council for the purpose of filling any vacancy that may occur among the officers. Such election by the Council to fill a vacancy shall not render an officer ineligible for re-election under the limitations imposed in B6.5.

B6.7 - Compensation Restrictions

No elected officer shall receive, directly or indirectly, any salary, compensation, emolument, or traveling expenses from the Council, unless authorized under the bylaws by the Council.

B6.8 - Secretary-General

The Secretary-General shall be the chief administrative officer of the Council under the direction of the President and the Council, who is appointed by the incoming President to continue in office until a successor is appointed. The Secretary-General shall act as Secretary of the Council, and is subject to removal by a (2/3) vote of the entire Council cast in a secret ballot.

B6.9 - Duties of the Secretary-General

  1. (a) The Secretary-General shall attend the business meetings of the Council and shall arrange for the recording of proceedings. He or she shall take part in the deliberations of the Council but shall not have a vote therein.
  2. (b) The Secretary- General shall conduct duties under the supervisory control of the President. He or she is responsible for the financial operations and procedures of the Council. All disbursements shall be made within the budget(s) prepared by the Treasurer and approved by the Council. Any disbursements required to be made outside of the approved budget(s) shall be subject to the approval of the Council.
  3. (c) The Secretary-General shall conduct the correspondence of the Council and shall keep full records thereof. He or she shall be in responsible charge, under the President and Council, of all the property of the Council. With the approval of the Council, he or she may employ such editorial, operating, and clerical personnel as may be necessary, and shall be responsible for the work of all the employees of the Council.
  4. (d) The Secretary-General shall designate one of his or her staff members as a Treasurer to fully undertake the duties of that position. his or her duties.
  5. (e) The Secretary- General shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Council or the President.

B6.10 - Duties of the Treasurer

  1. (a) The Treasurer shall exercise supervisory control over the books and accounts of the Council and the collection and deposition of all dues, fees, and charges and other obligations owed to the Council.
  2. (b) All funds received by the Council shall be deposited in an account established in the name of the Council.
  3. (c) The Treasurer shall be responsible for approving expenditures as authorized by the Council.
  4. (d) The Treasurer shall submit an annual report, a budget, and such other financial reports as may be prescribed by these Bylaws and by the Council.
  5. (e) The Treasurer shall receive and distribute the annual audit and disseminate other financial statements and reports as may be stipulated by the Council.
  6. (f) If required by the Council, the Treasurer shall give surety bond for the faithful discharge of duties; the cost of such bond to paid by the Council.



The Council may award an individual, organization, or corporation that has directly and exceptionally contributed to advancing the Council’s mission, objectives, and activities. The following awards will be available:

  1. (a) The WCI President’s award recognizes (1) outstanding contributions to isotopes and their uses to benefit mankind, or (2) distinguished contributions to the activities of the Council that include but are not limited to sharing and dissemination of relevant information, active cooperation to promote the peaceful applications of isotope technologies, provision of technical/political advice and training programs, and technology transfer.
  2. (b) The ICI Chair’s award recognizes exceptional contributions to the successful organization of the International Conference on Isotopes.
  3. (c) The WCI Founder’s award recognizes exceptional contributions to the WCI, including outstanding organizational or leadership roles, significant financial contributors, etc.


Awards may be made every 2 to 3 years, if and when there is a deserving recipient(s). The awards shall be presented by the WCI President and/or the ICI Chair and/or the EC members at the International Conference on Isotopes.


Any member may submit nominations for the awards to the Council. The nominations shall be thoroughly reviewed, and the awards are approved by the Executive Committee.


The Council shall publicize the awards in a suitable manner to provide high visibility among the Council’s members and stakeholders.

Article B8 – FISCAL

B8.1 – Fund

  1. (a) The Council will provide funding for Secretariat services to support the activities of the Council and such other activities as may be designated by the Council. Member organizations may assign individuals to the Secretariat and/or provide certain services for Secretariat activities. Unless such services are requested by the Secretariat, such services shall be furnished at the provider's expense.
  2. (b) The Council shall operate as a not-for-profit organization. The funds of the Council may be raised by income from the International Conference on Isotopes (ICI), annual membership fees, donations, industry or government support, sponsorship, advertisements and by other means that the Executive Committee shall decide. This may be complemented with in-kind contributions.
  3. (c) Expenditures incurred to organize and host an International Conference on Isotopes (ICI) shall be borne by the organization hosting the event. A percentage of total registration and booth fees will be transferred to the WCI reserve fund for the ICI. This percentage shall be agreed on by the Executive Committee and ICI Organizers.
  4. (d) Annual membership fees for individual and different types of organizational members will be determined by decision of the Executive Committee. The exemption of the annual membership fees is maintained until it is modified by the Executive Committee.
  5. (e) Sponsorship and advertisements programs can be provided by the Council. The levels and benefits of the sponsorship and the advertising rates may be determined by the Executive Committee and announced via the WCI Newsletter and Website.
  6. (f) Contributors to the funds of the Council shall be acknowledged in an appropriate way and carry such privileges as may be determined by the Executive Committee. The contributors will be classified into the following categories based on their contribution amounts: 1) Bronze member (US$8,000), 2) Silver member (US$16,000), 3) Gold member (US$24,000).
  7. (g) WCI can solicit for sponsorship and provide the sponsor with various benefits shown in the following table.
    Time Frame Benefits Sponsor Level
    Yearly Advertisement via WCI Monthly Newsletters Half page 1 page 2 pages
    Advertisement via WCI website (Banner, etc.) 4 months 8 months 12 months
  8. (h) WCI Advertisement Programs are as follows :

    (1) Newsletter Advertising Rates

    Advertisement Size Single-Issue Price Annual Price
    2 page US$1,500 US$15,000
    1 page US$1,000 US$10,000
    Half page US$500 US$5,000
    * Newsletter is released on approximately a monthly basis.
    * Annual Price indicates all editions of the newsletter per year.

    (2) Website Advertising Rates

    Advertisement Duration 12 months 8 months 4 months
    Banner Price US$12,000 US$9,000 US$5,500

B8.2- The Expenditure of Funds

  1. (a) The expenditure of funds established under B8.1 shall be executed by the Secretary-General with the approval of the President.
  2. (b) The funds shall be used for activities directly related to the work of WCI and ICI.

B8. 3-Fiscal Year

The WCI Fiscal Year shall begin on January 1 of a year and end on December 31 of the year.


Any person or his or her heirs, executors, administrators, or assignees, who is made a party to any action, suit, or proceeding by reason of the fact that such person was an officer, Secretary-General, or employee of the Council, shall be indemnified by the Council against reasonable expenses, including attorney's fees, actually and necessarily incurred in connection with any appearance therein, provided that, in the opinion of a majority of the Council, such person’s actions were taken in good faith, for purposes reasonably believed to be in the best interests of the Council, and reasonably not believed to be unlawful. If such is the opinion of a majority of the Council, indemnification shall not be barred even if such person settled the matter or case, pled nolo contendere, had judgment entered against him or her, or was convicted.


These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Council by a two-thirds vote of the voting members present, provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing at the previous regular meeting or sent by mail to all members at least 30 days in advance of the meeting at which the vote is to take place.


 These bylaws may be adopted at any regular meeting of the Executive Committee by a majority vote cast by voting members.

Rev.10 November 1, 2024

Revision History

Revision Title Date
Rev.0 Original Version September 30, 2008
Rev.1 First Revised Version June 17, 2009
Rev.2 Second Revised Version August 24, 2014
Rev.3 Third Revised Version September 27, 2016
Rev.4 Fourth Revised Version September 12, 2017
Rev.5 Fifth Revised Version December 22, 2017
Rev.6 Sixth Revised Version December 20, 2018
Rev.7 Seventh Revised Version June 12, 2019
Rev.8 Eighth Revised Version Decemver 20, 2021
Rev.9 Ninth Revised Version July 23, 2023.
Rev.10 Tenth Revised Version November 1, 2024