
게시글 목록
No TItle Name Date Hit
공지사항 Call for Bids to host the 13 th ICI WCI Secretariat 2024/10/29 392
56 Notice of WCI Bylaw Amendment (2024.11.01.) 첨부파일 WCI Secretariat 2024/12/12 145
Announcement of International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology (2025) 비밀글 WCI Secretariat 2024/10/29 248
54 Announcement of IAEA Webinars of relevance to WCI (30 April, 2 May) WCI Secretariat 2024/04/24 1308
53 Announcement of IAEA-WCI-KAERI Training Course in the Laboratory 첨부파일 WCI Secretariat 2024/04/23 1609
52 [12ICI] WCI selected Firenze, Italy as the venue for 12ICI WCI Secretariat 2023/10/18 2230
51 Call for Bids 12ICI (2025-2026) 첨부파일 WCI Secretariat 2023/03/06 2461
50 Abstract Submissions for 11th 11th International Conference on Isotopes Have Been Extended WCI Secretariat 2023/02/02 2105
49 Registration for the 11th ICI is now open. WCI Secretariat 2022/12/28 2083
48 Announcing the Second edition of the 11ICI webinar series WCI Secretariat 2022/09/23 2233
47 Announcing the first edition of the 11ICI webinar series WCI Secretariat 2022/03/24 2430
46 Call for Nominations for 12 Awards 첨부파일 WCI Secretariat 2022/03/08 2137
45 Call for Bids (updated, the 11th ICI, 2023) 첨부파일 WCI Secretariat 2022/03/08 2181
44 11th International Conference on Isotopes (11ICI) Abstract Submission closes WCI Secretariat 2021/11/18 2486
43 Call for Nominations for the 2022 WCI President and ICI Chair’s Awards 첨부파일 WCI Secretariat 2021/10/18 2319
42 First IAEA Webinar on Careers for Women in RadiopharmaceuticalSciences WCI Secretariat 2021/08/13 2508
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