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Kinds of WCI funding
Article B8 – FISCAL
B8.1 – Fund
The Council will provide funding for Secretariat services to support the activities of the Council and such other activities as may be designated by the Council. Member organizations may assign individuals to the Secretariat and/or provide certain services for Secretariat activities. Unless such services are requested by the Secretariat, such services shall be furnished at the provider's expense.
The Council shall operate as a not-for-profit organization. The funds of the Council may be raised by income from the International Conference on Isotopes (ICI), annual membership fees, donations, industry or government support, sponsorship, advertisements and by other means that the Executive Committee shall decide. This may be complemented with in-kind contributions.
Expenditures incurred to organize and host an International Conference on Isotopes (ICI) shall be borne by the organization hosting the event. A percentage of total registration and booth fees will be transferred to the WCI reserve fund for the ICI. This percentage shall be agreed on by the Executive Committee and ICI Organizers.
Annual membership fees for individual and different types of organizational members will be determined by decision of the Executive Committee. The exemption of the annual membership fees is maintained until it is modified by the Executive Committee.
Sponsorship and advertisements programs can be provided by the Council. The levels and benefits of the sponsorship and the advertising rates may be determined by the Executive Committee and announced via the WCI Newsletter and Website.
Contributors to the funds of the Council shall be acknowledged in an appropriate way and carry such privileges as may be determined by the Executive Committee. The contributors will be classified into the following categories based on their contribution amounts: 1) Bronze member (US$8,000), 2) Silver member (US$16,000), 3) Gold member (US$24,000).
WCI can solicit for sponsorship and provide the sponsor with various benefits shown in the following table.
Time Frame |
Benefits |
Sponsor Level |
Bronze (US$8,000) |
Silver US$16,000) |
Gold (US$24,000) |
Yearly |
Advertisement via WCI Monthly Newsletters |
Half page |
1 page |
2 pages |
Advertisement via WCI website (Banner, etc.) |
4 months |
8 months |
12 months |
(h) WCI Advertisement Programs are as follows :
(1) Newsletter Advertising Rates
Advertisement Size |
Single-Issue Price |
Annual Price |
2 page |
US$1,500 |
US$15,000 |
1 page |
US$1,000 |
US$10,000 |
Half page |
US$500 |
US$5,000 |
* Newsletter is released on approximately a monthly basis.
* Annual Price indicates all editions of the newsletter per year.
(2) Website Advertising Rates
Advertisement Duration |
12 months |
8 months |
4 months |
Banner Price |
US$12,000 |
US$9,000 |
US$5,500 |
B8.2- The Expenditure of Funds
- (a) The expenditure of funds established under B8.1 shall be executed by the Secretary-General with the approval of the President.
- (b) The funds shall be used for activities directly related to the work of WCI and ICI.
B8. 3-Fiscal Year
The WCI Fiscal Year shall begin on January 1 of a year and end on December 31 of the year.