Organization Members

No Name Country
139 LIS Technologies Inc. United States
138 Nuclear Energy Society, Taipei Taiwan
137 Korean Nulcear Society Korea, Republic of
136 Chengdu New Radiomedicine Technology Co., Ltd. China
135 Astral Systems United Kingdom
134 Moroccan Young Generation in Nuclear Morocco
133 Canadian Nuclear Laboaratories Canada
132 Zhongjin Irradiation Incorporated Company China
131 NUCTECH China
130 Chengdu New Radiomedicine Technology Co., Ltd. China
129 CGN Dasheng Electron Accelerator China
128 NorthStar Medical Radioisotopes, LLC USA
127 Agrosurg Irradiators PVT Ltd India
126 Microtrol Sterilisation Services PVT. Ltd India
125 Board of Radiation and Isotope Technology (BRIT) India
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