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IAEA Launches Expert Advisory Service for Research Reactor Infrastructure, First Mission to Nigeria

IAEA Launches Expert Advisory Service for Research Reactor Infrastructure, First Mission to Nigeria

A new peer review service has been launched by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to assist member states in the development of infrastructure for nuclear research reactors. The first Integrated Nuclear Infrastructure Review for Research Reactors (INIR-RR) mission was carried out last week in Nigeria.


According to the IAEA, operation of a research reactor requires a national infrastructure - including a legal and regulatory framework - to ensure that national and international obligations are met during planning, design, construction, operation and decommissioning.


The INIR-RR review follows the IAEA's 'Milestones Approach', which provides guidance on the preparation of a research reactor project by addressing 19 issues ranging from nuclear safety and security to the fuel cycle, waste management, and funding and financing.


The first INIR-RR mission was conducted last week in Nigeria at the invitation of the government, which is planning to construct the country's second research reactor.


The five-day mission was conducted by the IAEA Departments of Nuclear Energy, Nuclear safety and Security, and Nuclear Science and Applications, and implemented as part of the IAEA Technical Cooperation Programme. The mission team, led by Borio, comprised two experts from Argentina and South Korea, as well as four IAEA staff members.


The team said Nigeria is making notable progress in strengthening the infrastructure for a new research reactor, which is expected to begin operation in 2025. The team also made recommendations and suggestions aimed at helping Nigeria to advance infrastructure development, including to finalize the cost assessment and funding strategy and to complete the plan for human-resources development. The team also acknowledged Nigeria’s good practice of effectively utilizing resources across national organizations involved in the project.


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Source: IAEA