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Nuclear technology helps sustain rice supplies in Southeast Asia

Nuclear technology helps sustain rice supplies in Southeast Asia


Southeast Asia produces 90% of the world's rice supply, which means global rice supply is significantly affected whenever extreme weather conditions disrupt production cycles. Extreme weather conditions, however, are increasingly common as the result of global climate change. Prolonged droughts in Thailand, for instance, during the mid-2016 period resulted in a 16% drop in rice production due to the lack of water supply delaying harvests. Diseases brought on by pests, higher global temperatures and increasing soil salinity have also been identified as threats toward rice crops.



On a global level, it has been estimated by the International Food Policy Research Institute that rice yields could drop as much as 10-15% by 2025, resulting in a 30-37% rise in rice prices globally by 2025. Rice accounts for 20% of global calorie intake, with 475,635 metric tons of rice consumed worldwide in 2017 alone.



One of the strategies that has been developed to sustain steady rice supplies is the use of gamma rays to develop greater crop resilience against climate change. Isotope techniques, on the other hand, help to improve water management and fertiliser effectiveness in the planting of rice crops.



Nuclear technology has proven to be quite effective in improving the sustainability of rice harvests. This technology, however, is not a catch-all and must still be used in conjunction with other methodologies to create better growth conditions overall. This must come with a clear strategy on the part of rice-producing ASEAN.



To read more please visit: https://theaseanpost.com/article/nuclear-technology-helps-sustain-rice-supplies-southeast-asia-1


Source: The Asean Post