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First patient treated in Clarity’s Cu-64 SAR-bisPSMA prostate cancer trial

Clarity Pharmaceuticals, a clinical stage radiopharmaceutical company focused on the treatment of serious diseases, announced that the first patient has been dosed with the 64Cu SAR-bisPSMA in a clinical trial in patients with confirmed prostate cancer.


Dr Taylor from Clarity Pharmaceuticals said that theyare looking forward to further exploring the benefits of the Targeted Copper Theranostics (TCT) platform for patients with prostate cancer, one of the largest indications in oncology. He added that their recent 64/67Cu SAR-bisPSMA theranostic trial in the US (SECuRE trial (NCT04868604)), positions Clarity to leverage the logistical, manufacturing and treatment benefits associated with the optimized SAR-bisPSMA product and the “perfect pairing” of copper-64 and copper-67 to provide a large patient population with early, accurate and precise detection of prostate cancer and improve patient outcomes. The two trials by Clarity, PROPELLER and SECuRE, are aimed at achieving its ultimate goal of improving the treatment of children and adults with cancer.”


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First patient treated in Clarity’s Cu-64 SAR-bisPSMA prostate cancer trial -CLARITY