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Cyclotron facility becomes operational in Kolkata, to boost cancer diagnosis

Cyclotron facility becomes operational in Kolkata, to boost cancer diagnosis 

India’s largest Cyclotron, a type of particle accelerator that produces radioisotopes, for medical applications became operational in Kolkata. According to the Department of Atomic Energy, the facility called Cyclone-30 at the Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre (VECC) in Kolkata will provide affordable radioisotopes and related radiopharmaceuticals. Cyclone-30 is in the first phase of production generating Flourodeocyglucose (FDG), a radioisotope used for date imaging and oncological tissue imaging.


Cyclone-30 will supply radioisotopes for Eastern India in particular but will also be able to meet the entire country's needs, and have export potential for germanium-68 and palladium-103. Germanium-68 is used as the 'parent' isotope in gallium-68 generators, used in the diagnosis of breast cancer. Palladium-103 is used to treat prostate cancer.


To read more please visit: https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/mumbai/mumbai-cyclotron-facility-operational-kolkata-cancer-diagnosis-5365520/

Source: Indian Express