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게시글 내용
First IAEA Webinar on Careers for Women in RadiopharmaceuticalSciences

Dear colleagues,


We would like to cordially invite you to participate in the first IAEA webinar discussing careers for women in radiopharmaceutical sciences at 15:00 CEST on Thursday, 19 August 2021.


Please register for the event here.

Password for the event: Radiopharma1!


Four renowned female experts will discuss their career paths and share with you what motivated them to start working and stay in the field of radiopharmaceutical sciences. They will talk about what it is like to be a woman working in this area and why radiopharmaceutical sciences can offer a promising career path for women. You can ask questions at the end of the webinar.


Speakers at the events include:

Aruna Korde, Radiopharmaceutical Scientist, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

Cornelia Hoehr, Deputy Associated Laboratory Director – Life Sciences and Department Head Research & Development, TRIUMF, Canada

Cristiana Gameiro, Product Manager and Solution Specialist, IBA, Belgium

Sietske Rubow, Radiopharmacist and Emeritus Associate Professor in Nuclear Medicine, Stellenbosch University, South Africa


Short bios of the speakers are here.


Please feel free to share this invitation with colleagues and friends who might be interested in attending the event.


Kind regards,



Ms Aleksandra PEEVA | Associate Communication Officer |

Division of Physical and Chemical Sciences| Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications |

International Atomic Energy Agency | Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria |

Email: a.peeva@iaea.org | T: (+43-1) 2600-24577