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게시글 내용
KAERI-WCI-IAEA e-Learning Course on Diagnostic and Therapeutic Radioisotopes and Radiopharmaceuticals

KAERI-WCI-IAEA e-Learning Course on

Diagnostic and Therapeutic Radioisotopes and Radiopharmaceuticals


1. Title: e-Learning Course on Diagnostic and Therapeutic Radioisotopes and 


2. Date: 2 – 20 August 2021

3. 42 people from 27 countries will participate
​ - Albania

 - Argentina

 - Australia

 - Belarus

 - Chile

 - Ecuador

 - Egypt

 - India

 - Kenya

 - Kuwait

 - Lithuania

 - Mexico

 - Morocco

 - Oman

 - Peru

 - Philippines

 - Portugal

 - Romania

 - Russian Federation

 - Singapore

 - Spain

 - Sri Lanka

 - Thailand

 - Turkey

 - United Arab Emirates

 - Uruguay

 - Uzbekistan