Organization Members

No Name Country
94 CNESTEN (Centre National de l’Energie des Sciences et Techniques Nucléaires/ Kingdom of Morocco National Energy Center of Sciences and Nuclear Techniques) Morocco
93 Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology Poland
92 Mauritius Standards Bureau Mauritius
91 Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN-CNEA/SP) Brazil
90 Ministry of Power and Energy Sri Lanka Atomic Energy Board Sri Lanka
89 Arab Atomic Energy Agency (AAEA) Tunisia
88 Ministry of Water and Environment Uganda
87 Metal Industry Development Institute (MIDI) Ethiopia
86 International Committee for Nondestructive Testing (ICNDT), The World Organization for NDT UK
85 VU University Medical Center, Dept Radiology & Nuclear Medicine Netherlands
84 Von Gahlen Nederland B.V. Netherlands
83 National Physical Laboratory UK
82 Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica, Argentina (National Atomic Energy Commission, Argentina) Argentina
81 King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center (KFSH&RC) Saudi Arabia
80 Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Oncology (INMOL) Pakistan
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