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Clinical proton system could enable small-animal studies

Clinical proton system could enable small-animal studies

Image-guided radiation delivery systems for pre-clinical animal research have been helping researchers throughout the world to make discoveries and advancements in cancer treatment. If state-of-the-art photon research platforms could be economically adapted for proton therapy, this could open up a completely new field in pre-clinical research.


Researchers at Maastricht University Medical Centre and MAASTRO Clinic have investigated the feasibility of using a compact clinical proton therapy system for pre-clinical research with millimetric beams. They determined that the MEVION S250i proton system with HYPERSCAN pencil-beam scanning technology and adaptive aperture-controlled collimation could potentially be used for small-animal radiation research (Br. J. Radiol. 10.1259/bjr.20180446).


To read more please visit: https://physicsworld.com/a/clinical-proton-system-could-enable-pre-clinical-studies/

Source: Physics World