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CNL Launches program to Accelerate the development of targeted radiopharmaceuticals in Canada

Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL), Canada’s premier nuclear science and technology organization, was pleased to announce that it has issued a call for proposals for a new ‘health stream’ within its Canadian Nuclear Research Initiative (CNRI). The new program is designed to accelerate the development of targeted radiopharmaceuticals in Canada through collaborative research projects related to health sciences, radiobiology and medical isotope development, by providing access to the world-class laboratories and research capabilities at the Chalk River Laboratories campus.


Launched in 2019, the CNRI program was originally established by CNL to advance the deployment of small modular reactor (SMRs) and advanced reactor designs. The ongoing interest in the program has led CNL to expand CNRI into health sciences, another key area of expertise, allowing participants to gain access to the company’s unique facilities and personnel in order to conduct research in partnership with CNL.


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CNL Launches program to Accelerate the development of targeted radiopharmaceuticals in Canada

Source: Canadian Nuclear Laboratories